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Adjustable Structural Supports Since 1951.

Big-B Ultra Duty Steel Lifting Shore

per BB-12

The Ellis Big-B Ultra Duty Steel Lifting Shore provides temporary or permanent shoring support in ultra heavy load applications in both commercial and residential structures.  Equipped with the Ellis MFG patented Thrust Bearing Technology these shores can lift up to 10x more than standard screw jacks. Currently offered in one size with adjustment from 12" to 16" and with a safe load rating up to 80,000 lbs.  

Availability: In Stock

Item #

range of adjustment

safe load-capacity




12" to 16"

80,000 lbs.

45 lb


Product Overview

Ellis Big-B Ultra Duty Steel Lifting Shores are for temporary or permanent shoring applications.  Use the Ellis Big-B Ultra Duty Shore to support up to 80,000 lbs.  To use, set the Ellis Big-B Ultra Duty Steel Shore in place use 1" Steel Adjustment Rods to adjust height.  Once shore is in place and adjusted to desired height simply tighten set screw (on side of nut) to lock nut to set shore for permanent support solution. 


Top Plate - 8"x8"x1/2", 4 - Holes 9/16" Dia., spaced 1" OC from edges. Tops are Interchangeable with Custom Sizes upon request. 

Acme Screw -  Approx. 4 Acme Threads per inch, Galvanized.

Adjustment Nut - Forged and Galvanized for durability, 4 - 1.063" Dia. Holes as leverage points to make adjustment with 1" Dia. Turning Rod (Item #'s BJTB-12, BJTB-24, BJTB-36, BJTB-60).

Thrust Bearings & Safety Lock - This patented design, found in Light and Heavy Duty Steel Shores, greatly reduces the amount of friction caused when adjustment to the nut is made when the shore is under load and significantly increases its jacking capability. Unlike the standard steel shore, thrust bearing shores are built as one complete unit to aid in uplift resistance and do not come apart. We have also added the Safety Lock set screw in the side of the nut. When tightened down, the adjustment nut locks in place for permanent or long term shoring applications.

Base Plate - 8"x8"x1/2", 4 - Holes 9/16" Dia. spaced 1" OC from edges. (Custom base available upon request)

Safe Load Ratings - 80,000 lbs max allowable load. 10,000 max allowable uplift.

*All Load Capacities include a 2.5 to 1 Factor of Safety. 

*Steel Shores should be attached to a flat solid foundation and should not be subject to any lateral force. Big-B Ultra Duty Steel Shores should be used to support straight vertical loads only. We recommend tightening set screw in the side of the 4 hole nut with 6mm allen wrench prior to loading (unless lifting). Before construction begins it is recommended that you consult with certified engineer for approval of our products within your application.  Do not extend screw past advertised adjustment range.  Do not exceed max safe load capacity.  Consult with engineer before use.

Shop Drawing:

Item Number Shop Drawing (.PDF)
BB-12 BB-12 Shop Drawing

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