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Adjustable Structural Supports Since 1951.

Mining Shore Clamp

per MC-4
1 review

The Ellis Mining Shore Clamp are specifically designed for mining applications.  The larger castings allow miners to use softer wood to build Ellis Shores.  The larger surface area prevents the castings from sinking into the shore when under heavier load.

Availability: In Stock

Item #




4.5 lb


Product Overview

Over the years we have developed new products to help our customers perform there jobs more effectively. The Ellis 4x4 Mining Clamp has been custom made for just that. The castings of the Ellis Mining clamp are larger than that of the Ellis 4x4 Clamp. This allows Miners who use a softer wood to build Ellis Shores without fear of the castings sinking into the shore when it withstands load. The castings are almost twice as long and just as wide as those of the Ellis 4x4 Clamp, therefore allowing them to cover more surface area and making them more resistant to sinkage into a softer piece of wood.

Ellis Manufacturing Co. Mining Shore Clamp MC-4 in use


Safe & Proven: Will support 9,000 lbs. at 10' with proper clamp spacing.
Adaptable: Use to secure dust blankets and/or provide support inside mines.
Speed: No need to cut and shim lumber to fit when Ellis Shores are in use.
Affordable: Initial investment is extremely minimal.
Durable: Constructed with 100% steel and able to endure hundreds of reuses.

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